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Implants Q&A

Will my new teeth look natural?

When dental implants are used in combination with modern restorative dentistry, their appearance, comfort and function are very likely to exceed your expectations. Often they are hard to tell apart from your natural teeth.

Will I be able to chew with the same force and pressure I use with my natural teeth?

Yes. Following a brief adaptation period, chewing capacity is comparable to that of natural teeth.

What Risks Are Associated with Dental Implants?

We accept most insurances. If your insurance covers any portion of your orthodontic treatment, as a courtesy to our patients, we help you fill out and submit your insurance claims and paperwork. Please let us know if you have any

As with any surgery, the dental implant procedure entails some risk. Rare complications may include infection, nerve damage, and pain. Most discomfort typically subsides within the first week to ten days.

Dr. V is specially trained in creating and placing dental implant restorations with the utmost accuracy and care. At your consultation, she will carefully review the risks associated with dental implants, allowing you to make an educated decision about your oral care.

Overall, dental implants have a very high rate of success and patients tell us how happy they are with the outcome. If you are considering implants, we can complete a careful examination to determine what options are best suited for you. Call us today to make that appointment!

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

An ideal candidate for dental implants typically relates to the following:

  • Good Gum Health
  • Sufficient Bone Density: You should have enough bone to support and anchor the implants. But if you have lost bone in your jaw, bone can actually be rebuilt with grafting procedures as part of the implant process
  • No Tobacco Use
  • Having patience with the process that can take up to twelve months to be fully completed
  • Does not suffer from a medical condition that could affect recovery after surgery, such as uncontrolled diabetes
  • Is not currently undergoing ongoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments

During the consultation process, Dr. V will perform an oral examination, review your medical history, and help determine which missing tooth solution can best suit your unique needs. If you do not qualify for a dental implant, she will recommend an alternative solution.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With appropriate care, dental implants can last for a lifetime. If you have an implant denture you will need to have the denture remade every five to seven years along with simple maintenance every six to nine months.

With regular brushing and flossing, the implant screw itself can last a lifetime, assuming the patient receives regular dental check-ups every 6 months. The crown, however, usually only lasts about 10 to 15 years before it may need a replacement due to wear and tear.

How will I feel after the treatment?

It is normal to have some bruising and swelling in the gum and soft tissues. But usually the discomfort, if any, is treated with a prescription from your doctor. You should expect to be able to work within 1-3 days depending on the treatment required.

How will I care for my dental implants?

Your new teeth must be cared for and checked regularly, just like your natural teeth. Brush and floss as recommended by your dentist. See your dentist in six months, or more frequently if so advised.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost for dental implants depends on several factors, including the number of teeth being replaced and the number of dental implants required to support your replacement teeth. Some additional procedures may be required prior to the placement of your dental implants to ensure the long-term health of your dental implants.

Right now V Dent offers a special price $1999 for dental implants (This price includes: Implant & Abutment & Crown and Life time warranty!) For more extensive procedures, you can expect a higher cost.

Are You in Need of Exceptional Oral Surgery?

If you’re in need of restorative dental treatments, Dr. V and V Dent team have the expertise to provide these services with the highest level of care.

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